Is your Puppy biting you? Tips & Training Guide

Sep 19, 2022

For every new parent, the nipping habit of a puppy seems to be like a question mark since it gets difficult to decide what to do about it. Although it most times is because of the teething, it can turn out to be a habit!

So here’s the theory and the reason behind why they do it. Puppies explore the world with their mouths and need to be trained to make them understand where to use their teeth and where must they not. With this article, you will sure be able to effectively curb the biting behavior.

No matter how much you try to not let them bite you at all, the contradictory and proven theory is to let them do it a little in their early developmental stages. This is because it is important for them to explore the human skin and the gentle nibbles help them know the strength of their jaws and the how delicate human skin is.

One of the techniques mainly used is the “Ouch” technique. As we say that they must be allowed to gently nibble, it needs to be kept in mind that the moment the skin exploring stops and the bites become uncomfortable, it is time for you to react with a dramatic “ouch” and withdraw attention from the pup for just a bit. You can also resume contact after a few seconds.

If the biting continues for the second time, mouth the word again and this time, get up and walk away. A punishment might sound a bit harsh word but this social isolation teaches them as to what is okay and what is not. Being such a tiny pup, all they really want is closeness with you and to have that, they will willingly drop the habit eventually. Walking away doesn’t really mean you abandon them, you can walk back after 30-40 seconds to continue playing with that minor gap is important. Repetition of this activity will make it realize that it needs to stop.

Once your puppy has stopped biting with hard pressure begin “ouch-ing” even the gentle nibbles. This will help your puppy eventually understand that dog teeth don’t belong on human skin.


Help for the Biting Puppy



Even though you are the most fun to play with for your puppy, it is wise to keep some toys handy. Since it is too young, it is bound to have an intense desire of chewing on things and exercise its jaws, so stock up some different rubber toys and bones.